
Monday, 30 June 2014

How are Universities Ranked?

Education is Stepping Stone to Establish and Realize Your Goals.

People often wonder how are universities ranked and why are some universities said to be better than others even though the subjects in the courses are more or less the same. And the most confusing aspect is although some universities have better infrastructures, they are still ranked below others which have do not have a flamboyant one.  Some universities claim to provide best job opportunities while others claim to have the best faculty. So how can they be ranked above or below one another?

To begin with there are certain criterion which are the basis of ranking:


Some set quantifiable parameters are used to rate all the universities. This data is collated and analyzed by a team experts. It is mostly based on the guidelines prescribed by the Government of India and additional aspects like campus etc. are sometimes also ranked using a survey. This is because the assessment criterion is easier to comprehend, transparent and subject to public scrutiny.

Selection of Universities:

An inclusive exercise is carried out to list out all the universities and autonomous institutes which award degrees in India. A specific number of universities are categorized by their type – be it Central, State, Private-State, Deemed to be Universities and Institutes of National Importance.

Entries are also invited for participating in the ranking process and made use of data available publicly or through Right to Information Act.

Universities are rated on the basis of Teaching, Research Output and Industry Income. Often with the exception of research Output and Citations, it mostly seemed unmanageable to get information on other parameters of the Indian Universities. So the publication record from Web of Science, Patents (both granted and applied), NAAC rating score and student-faculty ratio as a proxy for teaching effectiveness etc. are also used.

Hence, the universities are ranked according to their score on a quantifiable scale. This data can be used to make a choice of educational institution as it is comprehensive and also includes popular view based on the personal experiences and popular perspective. A personal visit along with this data can make your decision easy and simple and bring you out of your dilemma as university ranking in India is reliable and comprehensive and hence it can be trusted.

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